Thank you for your interest in becoming a new community group leader! We are so thankful that you are considering this exciting, God-fueled journey in the days, weeks, and months ahead! We are here to help walk you through any questions/concerns that you have in becoming a community group leader, so please don’t hesitate to ever contact us with any and all items you’d like to discuss.
Below, you will find our Community Group Leader Orientation, which we believe will equip and guide you in the role that a group leader plays within community group. Please watch the two orientation videos below and utilize the accompanying notes. Once you have watched the videos, completed the accompanying questions (links to questions below), and read through the AME Leader Agreement (found HERE), someone from our Groups Staff will contact you to set up some time to meet in person for a conversation and to discuss any questions or concerns that you may have.
Thank you again for your interest in becoming a new community group leader. We are thankful for your desire to help lead others into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ!