Thanks for your interest in serving at NorthBridge Community Church. Your involvement matters because your service does make a difference. The environments listed below describe many of the service opportunities where we need your help. If you are interested in serving in a particular environment, click below. We will be in touch with you very soon to help you get connected.

Waumba Land

Six Weeks – PreK

Waumba Land volunteers show up and work together in their unique roles to create a loving environment for our preschoolers. Waumba Land could not exist without the leadership and expertise of our volunteers.

To find out more about serving in Waumba Land, contact our Waumba Land Directors, Kirstian Jacobs or Kaylin Hoefler.


K – 5th Grade

UpStreet volunteers show up and work together in their unique roles to create a fun environment for elementary kids to learn who God is and how he wants them to live. We could not open the doors of UpStreet without the incredible volunteers who offer their gifts to serve our kids.

To learn more about serving in UpStreet, contact Rob Gage.


Middle School

Transit volunteers create an engaging environment for middle school students by greeting, facilitating discussion, or using technical skills. Transit meets every Sunday 4:30-6:30pm.

To find out more about serving in Transit, contact Stas Williams.

Inside Out

High School

InsideOut volunteers serve to create environments where high school students prioritize their relationship with Christ, influence their friends, and experience personal ministry.

InsideOut is every Wednesday night from 4:30-6:30pm. To find out more, contact our Director of Family Ministries, Stas Williams.

Guest Services

Guests Services is how we welcome, inform, and serve every person who attends our church. Our goal, in every interaction with our guests, is to exceed their expectations of hospitality.

To find out more about what our Guest Services team does and how to be a part of it, contact our Guest Services Director, Jason Levis.


The Production Team at NorthBridge is a group of highly motivated, committed, and enthusiastic servants who value excellence and one another. We strive to create a worship service environment that is comfortable and inviting, and we pray that God uses our efforts to help create a “wow factor” that will lead many to Christ and life change. If that sounds exciting and if you’re willing to learn, stretch yourself, and try some new things, please consider serving alongside us. We have both technical and nontechnical positions, and no prior experience is necessary.

To learn more about serving with the Production team, contact our Service Programming Director, Jason Levis.